Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rise Like A Lion

"Behold a people that rises up as a lioness, and as a lion he lifts himself up; he shall not lie down until he eats of the prey, and drinks the blood of the slain." (Numbers 23:24)

How removed the passage from this week's Torah portion of Balak seems from our current reality. Every routine rocket on Sderot makes the blood of all the Jews - wherever they are - meaningless. Every bulldozer or truck in the country has turned into a potential weapon of death and destruction.

Israel is desperate to be loved by the nations. But much to our chagrin, the nations only love dead Jews. So without a second thought, Israel's government summarily whisks every visiting foreign dignitary from the airport straight to the holocaust memorial museum, Yad Vashem. Maybe if we remind them just how dead we are, they will give us a bit of love?

The Arabs, on the other hand, aren't looking for love. They demand respect and the fear of the nations. So much so that when the BBC aired the footage of the Jew shooting the Arab bulldozer terrorist in the head, the Arabs complained. It is degrading to show an Arab being eliminated like a flea. Naturally, the BBC apologized for allowing the reality of a Jew shooting an Arab to appear on the screen and removed the offensive footage.

The police officer who was incapable of shooting the terrorist on the bulldozer is the epitome of the modern-day Samson; his long locks shorn and his eyes blinded. The pre-Expulsion brainwashing perpetrated by Israel's government against all of its armed forces has rendered our security forces incapable of fighting anyone but settlers.

I have complete faith that Israel will rise up as a lion. But for that to happen, we need new leadership - leadership that doesn't desperately seek the love of the nations and is not concerned with finding favor in the eyes of the 'enlightened' elite. We need the type of leadership displayed by the brave off-duty soldier who killed the terrorist. That is our only hope.

There is only one movement today that works realistically toward the goal of Jewish leadership for Israel. That movement is Manhigut Yehudit. How much have you personally done to create leadership that will not allow Jewish blood to be spilled like water? The path has already been paved, the tools are ready and all that is left is for you to use them to save yourselves, your families and your country.

The lull before the next elections is vitally important. Now is the time to help Manhigut Yehudit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freinds: But why Likud ?! Do you rely on the Midrash that says the "In the future the pig will become purified (Kosher)" Bullshit. It refers to other things. And have you all forgotten that Zionism is not an end in itself. It was a means to that end, which from the very begining of this State, totally forgot major prayers in the Siddur: לתקן עולם בעול מלכות שדי ... meaning to say: Zionism could have been a means to the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. [An idea not original with jesus] Thus: Manhigut Yehudit (in your website statement) sets the goal correctly, but the means (=Likud) is that allegorical pig who shows off his Kosher hoofs. Sorry but there is a way to politically unite those who still beilieve in the "Entire Land" and there is a way to spiritually unite all believers. And it doesn't go thru the Likud. Perhaps if Yitzhak Shamir were still leading Likud. But not anymore. Your organization should aspire to a new unifying political party (including only some of the old guard) based on a "Ruah HaKodesh" plan, based on Hazal: הקב"ה הקדים תרופה למכה /// Perhaps if this blog is published, I'll write you freinds more, between 17 Tammuz till 9th Av. But just to hint: parts of this 'Ruah HaKodesh plan' are based on the Holy Ram'hal booklet: Ma'amar HaGeulah, who activates a known Midrash from במדבר רבה /// And by the way, this writer tried phoning the Gush Katif campaigners about this & other things, but they were so sure destruction wouldn't happen ... they used their own devices: "כוחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה that of course, sadly, they failed; and we all lost. So Manhigut Yedudit freinds, if you repeat this mistake (even thru ignorance) השם ירחם, ואין לנו להשען אלא על אבינו שבשמים" אבל
אם תאמינו שיש 'תוכנית א-להית' עבור מדינת ישראל, אזי בס"ד נעביר את רוע הגזירה, ונציל(בינתיים, בהתחלה) מה שאפשר להציל, ונגיע למצב של בחינת 'נהפוך' הנאמר בפורים, עד כדי קידוש שם שמים, ובאופן שגם אומה"ע יודה ... and all this without fanatic religious coercian,in the most brilliant way possible, G-d Willing Amen